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A typical day at nursery

Children arrive at nursery between 7.30am and 9am and they are offered breakfast. As a family run, small nursery we pride ourselves in the flexibility we offer regarding drop off times in the morning, so breakfast is offered as and when children arrive which allows for those early risers to have their breakfast when they are hungry without needing to wait for their friends to arrive.


Then, the children spend the morning in their room or outside with the children of their specific age group (Babies: 0-2 years, Toddlers: 2-3 years and Pre-Schoolers: 3-4). Please note that some children may move into different age groups at a slightly different age to those listed.


In each room there is a plan that has been created following each child's next steps and interests. However, we follow each child's interests and needs and we extend their learning from there. Sometimes this means the activities that day are entirely different to what is planned for the day as the children guide us in a different direction


The children are offered a mid-morning snack which is usually around 10am although can vary depending on what activities are taking place. Snack is done in a very informal manner and children are able to help themselves when it is convenient for them. 


At all mealtimes, children are reminded to wash their hands by the staff members in their room.


After snack, children mix with those in different rooms for free flow activities. Normally, the doors are open and children will choose where to go. Please note that during the Covid-19 pandemic, our nursery is operating a bubble system which means that age groups are not mixing indoors. We will review this on an ongoing basis when safe to do so.

Around 12:00, the song "Las manos a lavar" which indicates it is time for them to wash their hands. They are encouraged to help set the table and tidy the things they have been playing with. This song is followed by "A comer" that indicates it is time for lunch. All our lunches and dinners take place in a family style set-up which means that all children are actively encouraged to sit round a table with their peers and eat together with both other children and staff members. We use these mealtimes to talk about what food they have and how it was made. The older children serve themselves from large containers in the middle of the tables, and are also encouraged to clear away their own plates and cutlery after their meal.


After lunch, all children who have an afternoon nap are guided to a safe space for them to sleep with their own sleep mats and any comforters they use. Any children who do not sleep in the afternoon are usually taken outside to continue the days adventures in the garden, allowing them to be free to play without disrupting any sleeping children.


The children are offered a mid afternoon snack between 2 and 3pm which follows the same procedure as the morning snack.


Our activities continue throughout the afternoon and children usually participate in singing the song of the week with the staff members in their room. Our collection times are as flexible as our drop off times and most children are collected by their parents between 4.30 and 5.45pm.

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Bilingual Day Nursery & Pre-School Ravenstone LTD

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